This 2003 exclusive single Visionaries "Hindsight," is a serious show-rocker, produced by the talented Oddisee, and appeared on the DJ Rhettmatic "Exclusives Collection" album. The B-side is a gem by Writer's Block (Zen & Dannu of the Visionaries), produced by 88 Keys (known for production work with Mos Def), is a bouncy head-nodder with Dannu & Zen trading off lyrics in the true Writer's Block style.
Side A1.) Visionaries "Hindsight" - Original
Produced by Oddisee
2.) Hindsight - Instrumental
3.) Hindsight - Acapella
Side B
1.) Writer's Block (Zen & Dannu) "4U" - Original
Produced by 88 Keys
2.) "4U" - Instrumental